Download Country Txt
ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements. This list statesthe country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order asgiven in ISO 3166-1 and the corresponding ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements.
Download Country txt
ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements. This list states\\nthe country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order as\\ngiven in ISO 3166-1 and the corresponding ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements.
The MODIS burned area product is available for download in either HDF, GeoTIFF, or Shapefile format from the University of Maryland s server. Login credentials can be found in the User Guide on page 17.
For downloading the product files, you can use your current web browser such as Firefox or Internet Explorer, or the command-line ftp and lftp utilities. For those desiring more flexibility, we recommend using special FTP software when downloading large amounts of data. You can use freely available software such as FileZillaClient3 or SmartFTP4 , both of which allow you to schedule the download to start at a later time.
Autosave happens at various points during the map-making process, like when adding a color, clearing the map, downloading it, etc. There is one autosave kept for each page on the website, stored locally in your browser's cache.
Click on Custom Country. A new box will open. Click on the desired countries listed in the country selection panel. Enter the group name in the Enter Group Title box and click on Add. The new country group will be added to the right panel.
Now you can add new countries or remove the countries to an existing customized group. 1. Click on the additional countries listed in the country selection panel. 2. To remove the country from the group double click on the country or select the country and click Remove button. 3. Click on Add to save changes to your customized group. Note: Editing the group name will create a new custom group. You can remove the customized group by clicking on the Delete button in the current selection panel in right side
The data are freely available below in two compressed (".zip") formats: SAS transport (.tpt) files and ASCII comma-separated variable (.csv) files. The program can be used to convert the .tpt files to native SAS data sets. Lines in the ASCII CSV files are terminated by the newline character "\n". "CSV" stands for comma separated values. All values in the ASCII CSV files are separated by commas. In addition, the character values are enclosed by double quotes. The compression ratio for the compressed files is about 75%. The ".zip" files can be uncompressed with winzip or pkunzip. To check your ability to uncompress these files, download the small file The SAS ".tpt" files are transferable to other formats using software such as Stat/Transfer or DBMS/Copy, and can be used directly by Stata using the fdause command.To download files in Internet Explorer, right click on them and select "Save Target As...".Internal users can access the data at /home/data/patents
You will need a major database, statistical program, or programming language to use these files. Most of the datasets are too large to load completely into MS Excel 2000, which has a maximum of 65,536 observations, though Access can be used to read the ASCII datafile. View variable descriptions and observations per file in the "Documentation" column of the table below.U.S. patent information can also be downloaded or purchased from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, which also has a U.S. to IPC concordance.
Google's automated crawlers support the Robots Exclusion Protocol (REP). This means that before crawling a site, Google's crawlers download and parse the site's robots.txt file to extract information about which parts of the site may be crawled. The REP isn't applicable to Google's crawlers that are controlled by users (for example, feed subscriptions), or crawlers that are used to increase user safety (for example, malware analysis).
Google ignores invalid lines in robots.txt files, including the Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the beginning of the robots.txt file, and use only valid lines. For example, if the content downloaded is HTML instead of robots.txt rules, Google will try to parse the content and extract rules, and ignore everything else.
So, to get the list of all places within a country that you requested, just fetch the zip file with the 2-letter ISO country code. For example, to get all places within the United States, fetch this file:
ingest.geoip.downloader.enabled is true by default, otherwise I wouldn't be able to query the following stats, right? I have tried enabling it manually as persistent setting too, but that doesn't make a difference.
I am seeing a lot of this request accesses aliases with names reserved for system indices and this request accesses aliases with names reserved for system indices, but no download entries in the current logs.
The United States had a postal service from before its founding in 1776, but as it expanded westward, the need for a more centralized, more systematic service became apparent. In 1831, The United States Postal Service (USPS) issued a directory called the Table of Post Offices. It had a listing of every post office in the country so that people could know where to go to drop off their mail and pick something up.
Apache Tika includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See for more information.
It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP signatures. Please read How to Verify Downloaded Files for more information on how and why you should verify our releases.
The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the KEYS file as well as the .asc signature files for the relevant release packages. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using
OurAirports has RSS feeds for comments, CSV and HXL data downloads for geographical regions, and KML files for individual airports and personal airport lists (so that you can get your personal airport list any time you want).
For more intense work, we have a CSV-formatted data dump of all our airports, countries, and top-level administrative subdivisions (regions), which we update every night. You can download these files and open them with almost any spreadsheet program or import them into your own database. You can even use them to set up your own, competing airport web site if you'd like! We'd love you to give us credit, like we give credit to our sources, but you're not required to.
Effective 3 November 2021, the download files are stored on GitHub, in the repository davidmegginson/ourairports-data. The old download links redirect to there. Cloning that repository is an alternative way to access the data.
The maritime boundaries (MAB) and maritime boundaries supplemental (MBS) coverages contain maritime claims for each country as derived from the Maritime Claims Reference Manual, DOD 2005.1M, 2001. MAB and MBS are found only in the WVS250K library (1:250,000 scale). The bathymetry (BAT) coverage exists only in the WVS003M, WVS012M, and WVS040M libraries and contains depth contours and depth areas derived from the digital bathymetric database product. See the Vector Product Format (VPF) World Vector Shoreline (WVSPLUS) Draft Specification (MIL-PRF-89012A dated August 24, 1999) for a detailed product definition, and the VPF Military Standard (MIL-STD-2407) for more descriptions of VPF.
Source Data: Digital Landmass Blanking (DLMB) data, which were derived primarily from the Joint Operations Graphics and coastal nautical charts produced by the predecessor agency, the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA). The source of bathymetric data is a digital bathymetric database (DBDB5), gridded bathymetry produced by comparing and integrating available bathymetric soundings with cartographic sources. DBDB5 contains gridded values at five-minute spacings and has a resolution equivalent to a 1:4,000,000 scale chart. The MAB and MBS coverages contain maritime claims for each country as derived from the Maritime Claims Reference Manual, DOD 2005.1M, 2001.
Time Zone database is updated randomly depends on changes. You may follow us at twitter for latest database updates. If you created script to download updates automatically, you can check the latest version date (UTC) at here.
The validity of a time zone depends on time_start field in the database. This is important to get the correct GMT offset especially areas having Daylight Saving Time. The example below showing how to query the time zone information using zone name America/Los_Angeles.SELECT `country_code`, `zone_name`, `abbreviation`, `gmt_offset`, `dst`FROM `time_zone`WHERE `time_start`
The best source of international human given (first) names comes from a German computer magazine. The text file has nearly 50k names that are classified by likely gender, and how popular in each country. It's carefully curated and has a friendly license (GNU Free Documentation License).
For the United States, the Census Bureau has lists of surnames from 1990 and 2000 censuses here. The US Census list for 2010 was, for a time, available on but that site is no longer running. (You may be able to find it with this Wayback Machine link.) The Social Security Administration provides downloadable lists of first names by gender, year, and optionally by state, based on all Social Security registrations here.
They have name sets from many different countries and can also generate other fake details (such as e-mail or phone number) based on a selected country (i.e. all phone numbers will have the correct length and country code). 041b061a72